Homework Chaos

The day is done; the children are home from school and you just started dinner when the overflow of papers that lurks within backpacks begins to unfold. Your attention is pulled in six directions and that pan on the stove is beginning to burn. Hello chaos! You vow to get it together and come up with a system to deal with this drama before you loose another permission slip for Jr.


Having a family of five; I am always on the hunt for ways to simplify and ease our lives. The challenge I always found was- there always seemed to be papers for somebody that would crop up at the wildest of times. Finally I found form and function: an expanding accordion file. I went with one with 8 tabs; functional for a family of five and addresses all the common issues. Now function does not have to mean boring: I love these hot orange files from Paper Source http://www.paper-source.com/cgi-bin/paper/item/Orange-A4-Envelope-Folder/3210.020/496997.html. Now, if you are crafty and have the time then by all means go for it and stop by your local craft store and make your self an amazing file folder. However, if you secretly wish you were craftier and HAD the time then go to ETSY and find a fun retailer that suits your style. Guess which option I would go with? (Hint: Remember I do have three children…)    

 Time to get started in making your life simpler: start by tabbing the files with your family member’s names and then stash the file folder in your car. When doing the round of pick-ups ask for all papers from the backpacks. Don’t get out of the car before you have had a chance to quickly put those papers into the files. Did I mention how handy it is for mail too? When I stop by the mailbox I file the mail into the folder for “mom”. Anything leftover is trash and never makes into the house!


Bring the file folder into the house and place in an area where you can grab it and sort when you have a moment. I keep a pen in my file for anything that may need filling out. All of a sudden you have order in your life, peace from paper, clarification and oh wait: whatever you were cooking looks to be burning again. Time to go!

Motivate and List Yourself

I’m sure you have heard this before: the world is driven by LISTS. Think about it, “Top Ten Places to visit, live, try, dining etc. etc.” The thing is lists are powerful devices for thought. There to provoke excitement, ignite change or simply for organizational purposes: lists rule!


Recently I have come up with a daily list; think motivational…

  1. I will tackle projects with zeal and have no resentments to myself if not completed today but rather task them for tomorrow.
  2. Do complete one outside task a day and then take full credit. Accomplishments are rewarding!
  3. Repeat step two and give yourself a pat on the back.


Sometimes it’s difficult to live life “simply” when you are grounded in the thick of it. Take some time to accomplish your motivational list; your psyche will thank you!

Re-do Your Space for under $100

Makeover Your Space with Only $100! : simple.

Bathroom: This room is one of the most highly used rooms and victim to becoming dull fast. The great news is with a tiny budget changes in this room can be significant. Start by painting your room with paint that really works for you. Valspar Ultra Premium Interior Latex Kitchen and Bath Soft Gloss Base is perfect for bathrooms. Mildew resistant finish and the ability to scrub later; it wins hands down. The Price around $45.00 with roller, brush and tape.

Next up the soft textiles! Bed Bath and Beyond has Thick’n Thirsty Towels that refresh your space in a flash. Pick up a set of two, bath towels, hand towels and get four wash clothes for around $18.00. Finally hang up a new shower curtain in a fresh new shade. Check out Target Room Essentials for about $10. To keep those footsy from slipping and keep them toasty, try a new bath mat. Wal Mart has endless options for bathmats Cost $12.00

Finally add in a little luxury for the bathroom. Cost Plus World market carries hand soaps and lotions in scents of lavender, honey, olive and more. Cost $8.00 for soap and lotion.    

In case you are keeping a running tally- our new bathroom cost us about $93.00 before tax and an afternoons worth of work. Not bad! 

Kitchen: Depending on your skill level, changes in the kitchen can be dramatic or subtle enough to bring about a fresh look. For those ready for a weekend project; Try painting your door fronts. Renting a sprayer at your local home improvement store is a low cost way to tackle this project. Use the above Valspar paint for best results (Tip: Don’t forget to give the fronts a light sanding and wipe down before painting). Then, change out that hardware. For around $30.00 you can replace pulls and knobs in your kitchen. Finally add in some fresh kitchen towels ($10.00) and you have a whole new look.    

We figured about $20.00 for the spray rental, added to our tally we came up with $95.00 before tax for a weekend project and a new kitchen!

Living Room: Paint a square or rectangle right above your focal point of the room- fireplace or seating arrangement. Don’t forget to use a flat paint for this area. The Valspar paint also comes in a flat and can be purchased in a quart size- perfect for this small project. Cost $25.00 for paint, roller and tape) Try repositioning artwork to focal point where paint is. Tired of your artwork or pictures? Try new frames for prints from Target; for about $27.00 you get 10 frames- not bad! Want to have some custom artwork? Try one of the designer tricks: purchase two 11 x 15 or 13 x 15 frames for around $15.00 each and add in your piece of art. Purchase great printed paper and cut to size for your frames. Voila you have art! (Cost $5.00)

 Give your couch or chairs a facelift too! Change out your pillows with slip cases. You can purchase these from major retailers or find a new favorite by exploring artisans that make slipcovers; visit Etsy for covers for about $5.00 each. Pick up a set of four for $20.00.

Fill in with some accessories from locations such as Home Goods for around $15.00 and your facelift is complete.

Total project cost for these living room ideas right around $95.00 before tax for a day’s worth of work!

Interested in More ideas? Visit us at:  http://tiny.cc/t69lo

New Year and Organized

Ok- I admit it: Next to folding laundry; organizing papers etc. fills me with deep seeded resentment to the mail box. I do have a sense of humor and love these filing folders for their quality to lift spirits. Imagine them in your baskets, filing cabinets etc.

File Folders

Christmas Craft Decorations at WomansDay.com – Home Decor Craft Projects for the Holidays

Christmas Craft Decorations at WomansDay.com – Home Decor Craft Projects for the Holidays.

So cute are these pails and simple to do! Craft paper, glue, pail and voila~ perfect for my doorstep or yours!

Refresh Your Space

Here is a low cost way to simplify and refresh your space. Refresh your floors! These tiles interlock and come in every possible style, pattern and colors!

We are dreaming of this design right now…


See them here: http://www.flor.com/gallery

Palm Springs Vintage Estate Wedding

Circa 1950’s charm meets Frank Sinatra estate for a client that had to have black, white and purple for colors! Florist provided budget worthy, simple creations to enhance the custom linens and tons of details added up for a perfect match!

Thank You Christine of www.christinearnold.com photography!

Vintage Details

Every once in awhile a wedding comes along with shots that you could never have dreamed of. Sure every bride wants a picture of  her dress; but this picture is worthy of pinning in the bathroom stall! Many thanks to the oodles of talent @ www.deidrebuckphotography.com .

Keep a look out for future posts of this wedding!

60th Birthday Party

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How do you transform a gymnasium into a sophisticated, chic and ultra cool party- it’s simple: hire Simply Eventful Productions. 1 tent, oodles of cool lighting techniques, great design and all the finishes and you have an event that everyone will talk about!

Budget- Budget- Bring it!

Afraid that you need to whisper- uhmm I only have $45 left for a centerpiece… Not to worry- we have you covered! Check out this ensemble!!!!

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